Search Text Instruction In Mitsubishi PLC

 Search instruction in Mitsubishi PLC


SERMM instructions search for the same data, maximum value and minimum value in a data table.




The following table shows example of search result table configuration and data. (n=10)


 The following table shows example of search result table


If we see in ladder logic below,

D100 is for  the starting address of data from where you want to search, D120 is the data to be searched, D150 to D154 is result area, K10 defines that the datat from D100 to D109 will be searched.

D150 is Number of same data,

D151 is same data position (First Position)

D152 is same data position (Last Position)

D153 is minimum value position (First Position)

D154 is maximum value position (Last Position)

 Results are as shown below:

 After changing some data:







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