Timer Types in Mitsubishi PLCs


In Mitsubishi PLCs, there are typically three types of timers used for various control and timing purposes:

Sure, let's look at examples of ON Delay (TON), OFF Delay (TOFF), and Retentive Timers (TONR, TOFFR) in Mitsubishi PLC programming.

ON Delay Timer (TON):

In this example, let's assume we want to start a motor 5 seconds after a start button is pressed. If the button is released before the timer finishes, the motor won't start.

StartButton: I0

MotorOutput: Q0

Timer1: TON

LD StartButton       // Start button pressed

OUT Timer1           // Timer is activated

LD Timer1.DN         // Timer is done

AND StartButton      // Button is still pressed

OUT MotorOutput      // Start the motor

OFF Delay Timer (TOFF):

In this scenario, let's consider a situation where a light should turn OFF 3 seconds after a stop button is pressed.

StopButton: I1

LightOutput: Q1

Timer2: TOFF

LD StopButton        // Stop button pressed

OUT Timer2           // Timer is activated

LD Timer2.DN         // Timer is done

OUT LightOutput      // Turn off the light

Retentive Timer (TONR):

For a retentive timer example, let's say we need a pump to turn ON for 10 seconds after a level switch is activated. The pump should continue its cycle even if the PLC loses power.

LevelSwitch: I2

PumpOutput: Q2

RetentiveTimer: TONR

LD LevelSwitch       // Level switch activated

OUT RetentiveTimer   // Timer is activated

LD RetentiveTimer.DN // Timer is done

OUT PumpOutput       // Turn on the pump

Please note that the specific addresses for inputs, outputs, and timers might vary depending on your PLC configuration and programming software. Always refer to your PLC's documentation and software for accurate addressing and programming details.

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