Mitsubishi PLC Program With SD Card

The Mitsubishi PLC FX5U provides the capability for users to save and load programs using an SD Card. 


Access the FX 5U PLC program within the GX Works 3 programming tool. Select the "Parameter" section and locate the "Module Parameter" option. Then, proceed to choose "Memory Card Parameter."

Upon selecting "Memory Card Parameter," a window will appear.

Under the "Boot Setting" section, for the item labeled "Operation Setting at CPU Built-in Memory Boot," designate it as "Clear."

Subsequently, click on "Boot File Setting," prompting a new window to appear. This window enables the addition of boot files.

Displayed below is the screen for configuring Boot Files.
Choose the files that are essential for the PLC program to initiate from the SD card.

Remove the filenames that do not have corresponding data.
        Click the "Select All" option to mark all files, then proceed to write them onto an SD card. By following these steps, the SD card will function as bootable program memory.

Insert this SD card into any vacant PLC of the FX 5U series, and then restore power supply to the system. The entire intended program will be transferred from the SD card to the PLC program memory through the PLC boot function.

Following this, remove the SD card, and the PLC will operate based on the program memory.




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